This is the page where I showcase my own personal weather station project and what I've worked on. In the photo to the left, it shows the weather station I had the fortunate opportunity of setting up through my schooling at the University of Utah. We used a CR1000x Datalogger as well as a CS215 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity sensor, a CS320 Pyranometer to measure solar irradiance, a Barometer and an Anemometer to measure surface pressure and wind direction respectively. I was so fascinated by the process of building and collecting data through that experience that I decided to do a more budget version of that integrated here in my website. The photo on the right hand side shows a Raspberry Pi 4B with a BME280 sensor that collects Temperature, Humidity and Air Pressure. I will be displaying this data below. This data will be collected in Saratoga Springs Utah and be updated every 5 minutes. Thanks so much for checking out my little project!