Temperature and Wind Data

Information updated hourly, most recent update: 03/13/2025 11:50 PM MST

Consolidated Western United States Temperature, Dewpoint and Wind Data

Dew Point Temperature

Dew Point

Dewpoint Temperature is defined as the temperature to which the actual air temperature would have to be decreased to in order for the air to reach saturation.

The current observed dewpoint temperature in Salt Lake City, Utah is -0.2 degrees Celsius



The current Temperature reading in Salt Lake City, Utah is 0.3 degrees Celsius

Apparent Temperature


Apparent Temperature is defined as the the temperature that we perceive as humans. This definition takes into account wind chill, humidity, heat index etc.

The current Apparent Temperature in Salt Lake City, Utah is 0.3 degrees Celsius

Wind Direction

Wind Direction

Wind Direction in Meteorology is defined by the direction that the wind is coming from, rather than the direction it is heading. For example, winds that are blowing towards the North would be defined as Southern winds. In addition, when describing winds in degrees, the Meteorological compass follows a different degree path than traditional mathematics. In the Meteorological wind rose, North is 0 or 360 degrees and the rose increases in the clockwise as opposed to the conventional counterclockwise. However we still describe the wind from where it would be coming from so in this case, winds blowing towards the north would be 180 degree wind.

The current Wind Direction in Salt Lake City, Utah is 356 degrees

Wind Gust

Wind Gust

Wind Gust is defined as short, but quick increase in wind speeds. These are typically reported when peak wind speed reaches 16 knots and the difference between the peaks and lulls of wind speed is about 9 knots.

The current Wind Gust in Salt Lake City, Utah is 1.6 kph

Wind Speed

Wind Speed

The current wind speed in Salt Lake City, Utah is 0.9 kph